- Weight loss
- Building Muscle
- Circuits/ Functional training
- Bespoke Gym Programmes
- Strength and Conditioning
- BSc (hons) sports and exercise
- Level 3 Personal Trainer
- Level 2 Fitness Instructor
- Level 2 Sports Massage
Sport and fitness has always played a huge part of my life, be it playing team sports whilst at school and university or training at the gym and playing golf in the more recent years.
I have a degree in Sport & Exercise Science, as part of my degree i studied anatomy and physiology, biomechanics as well as touching areas of sport psychology.
After completing my degree I was sure I wanted to continue pursing a career in fitness, so started my L3 in personal training. Since then I have been diagnosed with Crohn’s disease which left me unable to train for a long period of time. As though as that was it has taught me the importance of overall health and well-being and has also allowed me to empathise with those struggling to achieve their goals whatever the reason may be. It is because of this that I am so determind to help people on their journeys to ensure they are the healthiest and happiest verisons of themselves.
I lsppearn, applyspoert, re-learn, re-apply and continue until I find a way. I’ll encourage you to find the limits of your individual ability and discover the strength you never knew you had.